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To quote the EE CC&R's (Section 8.5) on painting: "Exterior Painting: Any paint applied to any exterior portion of a structure or wall must be the same color and finish as the original color and finish..." The 'original... finish' referred-to was 'flat'. (An interview with the original painter of many of the houses in EE confirmed that paint with a flat finish was used throughout EE on walls and trim, due to its superior retention of its 'as-applied' surface appearance, making later touch-up painting of small areas virtually undetectable. Section 8.5 was amended by a Board resolution dated 2/20/12 to read: "The definition of exterior walls for the purpose of Architectural Control shall be altered such that all wood garage/carport walls will be considered interior walls, including the ceiling, and may be painted the same color as the exterior house color instead of Norfolk Brown. For those units with open or partially open entry walls, the inside of the support columns will be considered the demarcation point for painting the garage/carport ceilings." Section 8.5 goes on to say that it is the homeowner's responsibility to get written approval from the Board prior to any repainting of the house exterior or walls. The houses in Esperanza Estates were originally painted in one of four Dunn-Edwards paint colors with a flat finish and flat Norfolk Brown on exposed wood; satin or semi-gloss black was used on metal gates and lamp posts. The masonry paint colors in EE include: Navajo White, Baja White, Weathered Coral, and Travertine, all originally based on Dunn-Edwards recipes. The copy of the original paint list below gives the required color of each house, by Lot # and Street Address. While the colors are referred to as 'Dunn-Edwards' colors, use of Dunn-Edwards paint is not required when repainting, but it is one way to avoid color-matching problems. (It is also a good way, according to some local painting contractors, to get a fade-resistant and highly durable paint job.) Dunn-Edwards created the recipes for each of the original colors. Any other supplier of paint will be relying on published information to come up with a matching color, or use an optical color analyzer to attempt to match the color. If a color-matching system isn't correctly calibrated or operated, or if the person mixing the paint 'goofs-up' when measuring the required tinting colors, the resulting paint color will be incorrect. If a mismatch is 'obvious' to anyone comparing newly painted areas of a house to a master color sample, or to the adjacent house or houses, repainting using a new batch of correctly mixed paint will be required. As an Esperanza Estates homeowner, you are responsible for complying with this requirement, not the painting contractor. You can protect yourself as a homeowner by following these two simple steps: 1) Before undertaking any exterior painting (except touch-up), you are required by the CC&R's to contact an EE Architectural Control Committee-member to request approval in writing. (You may click on the link above to initiate an email request to Arch. Ctrl.) In addition to providing the required written approval, a Arch. Ctrl. committee member will also help to delineate the boundaries between your property and your neighbors', establishing the line[s] at which the new paint job will meet the neighbors' houses.) 2) After written approval has been received, but before starting the actual repainting, you are encouraged to paint a 2-ft x 2-ft (or similar size) 'test card', or a 1' wide x 4' tall test area immediately adjacent to the adjoining house (or houses.) The test sample will allow the Arch. Ctrl. committee member to confirm the color-match is correct, once the paint has dried, and to provide a final sign-off before painting of the entire structure is started. (A copy of the painting approval form is available here.) Don't hesitate to consult an EE Architectural Control Committee-member if any aspect of the paint job is in doubt -- whether the required color, finish, or location of application -- because you, as the homeowner, are solely responsible for compliance with the CC&R's.
Refer to the information below to determine the correct paint color for your house. If you are ordering for delivery, you will need to provide your Esperanza street address and telephone number; by pre-paying, the paint can be left at your house whether or not you are at home. Delivery may not be 'next day', but should be within a week of ordering. |
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