
Monday Morning Memos


Esperanza Estates

Green Valley, Az.


Monday Morning Memo------------------August 18th

Good Morning:

Our webmaster Craig Surprise has added a special section of important phone numbers on the EE website, including all that were published in the Memo last week and several more of a useful nature. Check it out at www.esperanzaestates.net Click on Listings of Important Phone Numbers, and a page will open with all the useful numbers. There was a digital error on one of the numbers posted in last week’s Memo for the Border Patrol Hotline. The correct number is 524-4662. This is the number to call only when you are able to monitor a situation until the BP arrives.

Craig continues to make improvements to the website, and our HOA is lucky to have him for a webmaster. The Forum will be returning soon.

Remember the Hospitality Committee’s planned Labor Day potluck, set to begin at Sunset Ramada at 4:30 on September 1st. Bring a dish to share and your own alcohol--all else will be provided by the Committee. Mark your calendar. This will be the Committee’s “kick-off” event for the coming fall and winter, and these functions are always fun and a good time. We’ll see you there.

The HOA is in need of a woodworker to take care of a one-time job. Only moderate skill is required. This is a paid task. Call if interested, 399-0455.

Our Saturday and Sunday morning pool tester is unable to continue to serve beyond the end of August, so we are looking for a replacement for those two days only. To do the test of the pool and spa takes about 10 minutes. If you might be able to help out the HOA in this regard, please call 399-0455. The protocol is simple and instruction will be provided.

Kudos to Stoney Brown for continuing to work on removal of the balance of the sand from Portillo and lower Napa.

Stoney Brown, Joan Moreaux and Tom Cooke attended a GVCCC sponsored seminar on common areas maintenance budgeting, put on by AAA Landscape Maintenance, as part of a series. Information gained will be considered as part of our HOA budgeting process this fall when the 2009 budget is prepared.

A pump room leak in the spa plumbing was found, and repairs were made. Then, another leak in adjacent spa plumbing was found a couple days later. As of Sunday (August 17th), the spa had to be taken out of service to await repairs. Hopefully these will be completed today, but it will take a day or so for the spa to return to normal operating temperature. Some leaks in the water system serving the pool enclosure foliage have also been found, and will need to be corrected. A hose holder and a new hose have been acquired for Sunset Ramada, replacing one at least 15 years old and too short to be much good. The new one has the proper length to make it useful.

If you are a user of the Joyner public library--they want to hear from you and have scheduled a series of Community Forums for feedback from library patrons. You can attend and tell them what you would like to see at the library by way of programs and materials. Below is a list of dates and places for the Forums:

1. Thursday, September 4, 2008 6:00pm
Desert Sky Middle School, Multi Purpose Room
9580 E. Rankin Loop in Rita Ranch - Vail

2. Sunday, September 14, 2008 2:00pm
Joyner-Green Valley Branch Library

3. Thursday, October 9, 2008 6:00pm
Sahuarita Town Hall Council Chambers,
375 W Sahuarita Center Way

If you are an Arizona voter, remember the September 2nd primary election and be sure to vote that day. The Pima Recorder “Hotline” is 740-4330 for voter information or to request an early mail-in ballot.

We have received a report of an early morning nude swimmer at our pool.

Have a good week. About another inch of welcome rain this past week, spread over a couple of storms.


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The Monday Morning Memo is not an official publication of the HOA

of Esperanza Estates, and is intended to be informational only and

is distributed as a courtesy. Content is entirely determined by the editor.

Email address of the editor: tecooke1@cox.net

Editors phone number: (520) 399-0455

Esperanza Estates website: www.esperanzaestates.net

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