Monday Morning Memo

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Esperanza Estates

Green Valley, AZ

June 20

Good Morning:

(This MMM edited by Joe McCalpin; Tom Cooke is on vacation.)

A reminder that today's HOA Board meeting starts at 1:00 PM at the Ramada.  All residents are invited to attend.  A meeting agenda follows this edition of the Memo.

On a very positive note, we have our leader back from vacation.  A sincere "welcome back", particularly from the substitute MMM editor.

Huzza! Huzza! Our ever energetic Hospitality Committee is holding a Fourth of July soiree! There will be grilled Italian Sausages with Peppers and Onions. These will be accompanied by Potato Salad and Baked Beans, all for just 5 bucks per person. There will be copious amounts of complimentary adult beverages (beer and wine) with set ups for those inclined towards cocktails. The party starts at 4:30 with general imbibing; the first sausage will hit the grill at 5:00.

The writer is always amazed that the Ramada is used so frequently, not so much by teeming hordes, but there are always a couple of folks there. Many of us hope that spontaneous gab sessions will just happen. The Ramada is the center of our community and it is there for all of us. The Wi-Fi connection to the Internet gets more use than I ever would have anticipated. Thanks are due to Bruce Liljegren who promoted the idea from the very beginning, and to two EE technocrats -- Eric, who supplied and helped install the required equipment, and Craig, who helped set up and monitor the equipment during the trial period.

The last report on palm tree trimming was a tad optimistic; Stoney is plugging away with the assistance of the Monstrosity crew.

The Garden Committee is the proud possessor of six gorgeous pots that will be installed at the three monuments. the procurement process was nearly as complicated as the federal government buying a missile system with starts and stops. Thanks to the perseverance of Jim & Gerri Lindberg, and Barb McCalpin, the deal was sealed and the pots are in repose, waiting for installation in the fall. It should be noted that Quality Pottery on old Nogales Highway gave excellent service and support as well as the best prices in the Tucson area. They are worthy of your patronage.

Be sure that Neighborhood Watch has current information on your emergency contacts to be used during your absence. We recently found out that ours was not, much to our chagrin.  It is your responsibility, and to your benefit, to make sure that the information is correct.  You can do so by contacting your NW zone captain, or assistant, whose phone numbers can be found on an inside cover of the EE Phone & Street Directory.

Have a good week, and we hope all you fathers had a good day yesterday!


The Monday Morning Memo is not an official publication of the Esperanza Estates HOA
It is intended to be informational only, and is distributed as a courtesy to all recipients.
To contact the editor, who approves content, email, or call (520) 399-0455.

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Meeting Agenda-EEHOA, Inc.
June 20, 2011 Regular Board Meeting
Sunset Ramada, 1:00 p.m.

Announcements and Recognition of New Members

Quorum Determination

Approval of minutes of last meeting

Treasurer's Report: Joan Moreaux

Committee Reports:

Architectural Control: Tom Cooke

Capital Projects: Dean Hess

Common Areas: Steve ('Stoney') Brown

GVC: Joe McCalpin

Neighborhood Relations: Boyd Morse

Recreational Facilities: Tom Cooke--pool/tennis roof work

Hospitality: Rep.

Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace

Enhancement Team: Rep.

Old Business: palm trees

New Business: work in Bridge Park wash

Miscellaneous Items: