
Monday Morning Memo


Esperanza Estates

Green Valley, Az.


Monday Morning Memo------------April 21st

Good Morning:

We have received several calls about someone soliciting the repainting of house numbers on the curbing within EE. It appears the method of operating is to leave a bright green note on the front gate, which says if you want the service to put the note in your window so their painters will see it. They will then repaint the number and charge you $10.00.

The Board knows nothing of this and has not authorized it. Signs posted at most entry streets to our subdivision are clear that soliciting is not allowed, but apparently are being ignored. Persons who encounter these solicitors are asked to warn them they are engaged in prohibited acts and ask them to leave. As they are apparently not knocking on doors, but instead leaving a message on the gate, it may be more difficult to find them than with those who come to the door to try and sell a service. An attempt will be made to learn the name of the responsible party, or company, and ask them to abide by our subdivision rules.

The regular monthly Board meeting for Esperanza Estates will be held today at Sunset Ramada, beginning at 1:00 p.m. The meeting agenda appears below. One of the items on the agenda involves returning the pool opening times to normal summer hours, which would ordinarily be 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. instead of the 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. that was adopted in January as a cost-saving measure. Since that time the new pool cover has been installed, and of course the weather has warmed considerably.

Another item to be looked at is the matter of a new webmaster for our website. A request for a volunteer to take over this position has not been answered, so the Board will be considering the employment of a professional. This is deemed an important adjunct of EE, and over the past year and one half or so that the site has been in operation, it has received more than 8,300 "hits" from viewers. The site offers not only photos of our subdivision, but also our official governing documents, up to date issues of the MMM and the Periodico, and links to other places of interest. It is a way to introduce our subdivision to interested persons, and for non-resident owners to keep up on what is going on when they are away. The site also features an interactive Forum upon which to post comments, make announcements, ask questions, try to sell or buy something, etc.--which is non-functioning at present until we can find an new webmaster. It is important enough to seek a way to keep it in operation, now that our existing webmaster has moved away from EE.

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, the 22nd) will be a Hamburger Night for EE, sponsored by our Hospitality Committee. Festivities begin at 4:30, and service at 5:00. Bring your own alcohol, and all the normal fare will be available. These events are very popular and a lot of fun, so come and join your friends and neighbors. Weather-wise, it should be a beautiful evening.

The next Hospitality Committee event will be the annual Cinco de Mayo celebration, to be held (no surprise) on May 5th. Watch for details.

There will be another "Coffee and Donuts" at Sunset Ramada on Monday, April 28th, at 8 a.m. Please plan on coming on down and having a cup and a donut with your friends and neighbors. No meeting, no agenda--only a social time with others from our terrific subdivision. This is a freebee, sponsored by one of your neighbors, as all of the similar events have been. We hope to see you there.

A break in the waterline serving the Hospitality Committee refrigerator at Sunset Ramada has been repaired.

Our "watch committee" for the streetlights has reported that a recent survey found only 5--out of 351--out of service. This is the best report for some time. Articles in the Periodico and in this space appear to be having some results. Remember, this is the responsibility imposed by the CC&R’s upon each owner, and after the second warning, the lights will be replaced by the HOA at a $25 charge. If you are going to be away, you should ask someone to keep an eye on your light, and the use of long-life bulbs is encouraged. If you need the name of someone who will watch your light for you, call Sheila Bennen at 399-0501, and she will put you in touch with a reliable person.

Have a good week. Come on down to Sunset Ramada tomorrow evening and enjoy a pleasant time at Hamburger Night.

This message has been blind-copied for your privacy.

This Memo is not an official publication of the

Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association, Inc.

and is intended to be informational only and is distributed as a courtesy.

Mailing Address of the editor: 840 Circulo Napa,

Green Valley, AZ 85640
Phone Number: (520) 399-0455
Esperanza Estates Website: www.esperanzaestates.net
Email: tecooke1@cox.net



Sunset Ramada

AGENDA for Board Meeting April 21st , 2008

I. 1:00 Call to order--recognition of new members

II. Announcements

III. Acceptance of The March minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Joan Moreaux--regular report and special assessment progress

Committee Reports:

A. ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE – Ken Miller (Enhancement Team ramada alteration request)


C. COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE – Stoney Brown---driveway root damage on Napa quad*

D. GVCCC – Bruce Liljegren



G. HOSPITALITY – Scottie Blum and Sam Barnard




V. NEW BUSINESS--web site webmaster search; pool opening & hours; pool volunteers; report on tennis court; other as appropriate.



*Upon adjournment, the Board will visit the Napa quad damaged by roots to determine a course of action.