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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

May 18, 2009

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, AZ

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Joe McCalpin, Barb McCalpin, Bruce Liljegren, Steve Brown, Joan Moreaux, Bob Hunton, Sam Barnard, and Sandy Reed.

Announcements: There were no announcements and no new HOA members were present at the meeting.

Acceptance of previous minutes: It was noted that the April meeting minutes were corrected to show that Sam Barnard had not voted either for or against the motion on the new tree protocol.

Treasurer’s report: Joan Moreaux gave the treasurer’s report. She provided details of the current financial statements, and reported generally the HOA is operating under budget to this point in the year. Several people have been contacted about non-payment of annual dues, and an appropriate follow-up will be made.


Architectural: Bob Hunton reported that an examination had shown that the properties on Excelso that appeared to have been painted the wrong color were in fact correct, but that the adjoining properties had faded over time to the point where it appeared these places were the wrong color. The home at 1113 Excelso has an issue that needs to be pressed, and appropriate action will be taken.

Capital Projects: Barb McCalpin reported that no capital project were under way at this time.

Common Areas: Steve Brown reported that matters are pretty much under control in the common areas. Some recent week spraying has taken place which seems to have matters pretty well under control.

GVCCC: Bruce Liljegren reported briefly on the recent GVCCC activities.

Neighborhood Relations: Sam reported that peace and harmony is prevailing in the EE neighborhoods and that no problems have been reported.

Recreational Facilities: Tom Cooke reported that the cool decking work in the pool enclosure has been completed and looks nice. The work was done by Ekonomy Pools, which is the same company that did the recent drain work. The pools enclosure was reopened last Friday.

Hospitality Committee: Sam reported that the Hospitality Committee has $1,455.65 on hand, and that the last regular official function is tomorrow night, being the final Hamburger Nite. There will be a function for the fourth of July but after that is will be the fall before another schedule of HC functions is finalized.

Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace is away from the area so there was no report.

Enhancement Committee: Geri Lindberg reported for the Committee. They had the final two sun/wind screen installed this past month and have funds yet on hand. No plan for their use well be finalized until this fall, when the balance of the Committee will return from their summer sojourn. All the cost of the new screens was paid by the Enhancement Committee. The Board expressed great thanks to the Enhancement Team for all they do for the HOA, and all that they have done in the past. Without the Team, we would be a poorer group by far, and we look forward with much anticipation each year to learn what they plan next. It is almost impossible to thank them sufficiently, and it is exciting to learn of it, and what is coming next.

Old Business: There was no old business.

New Business: Tom Cooke reported on a couple of minor items involving repairs to new counter at the Ramada and the showers at the pool. Ben Sheffield reported on some cost estimates he has received involving the streets and cost of repair. A discussion involving the street condition and the best avenue to take to try and seek repairs was held. It is acknowledged that the condition of our streets is terrible and that they may well be the worst in the entire Green Valley community. It was decided to try to work initially through the GVCCC and its street committee, and a committee was appointed to try to work with the GVCCC on this issue. The Committee will consist of Joe McCalpin, Bob Hunton, and Bruce Liljegren, with Tom Cooke to be an ex-officio member. The Committee will come up with a program to best approach this problem.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

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