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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

December 17, 2012

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, AZ

It was established there was a quorum present at the meeting. The minutes from the November meeting were approved with no changes.

Joan Moreaux gave the treasurer’s report. She presented expenses for the month and for the year to date. Current assets include some dues for 2013 that have already been received.

Jim Lindberg gave the report for Architectural Control. There were two requests since the last meeting. The first was for the installation of a flagpole by Al Prato on Portillo. This was approved. The second was the report by the Wickwars of a large crack in an exterior wall on Regalo. Jim requested the homeowners get an estimate on repair costs and get back with him.

Boyd Morse reported there are no Capital Projects currently underway. Work to repair cracks in the driveways of some quads will be postponed until the spring.

Dean Hess reported on the Common Areas. Richard Carver relocated the walkway in Palo Verde del Norte Park (previously referred to as 'Pie 1', prior to being renamed) so it is no longer blocked by the large agave. Dean reported that Hot Desert will begin the seasonal trimming of Oleanders and Bird of Paradise.

Joe McCalpin was unable to attend the meeting but it was noted that there will be a complete report on GVC activities in the next issue of the Periodico.

Stacie Meyer reported on Neighborhood Relations. There have been some concerns expressed about pets (dogs barking incessantly and cats running loose.) This is being addressed with the pet owners.

Tom Cooke reported on Recreational Facilities. He reported that Kevin Welsh and some volunteers have trimmed all of the Oleanders around the tennis courts. At the pool, the cover was jammed, but has been repaired. Tom reported that after a rain, the pool cover collects water. With the recent rains, this has been an issue. Tom pumps the water so the cover can be operational. The chlorine generator for the pool will need to be replaced and this has been scheduled. Work to replace the 'cool decking' around the pool and spa will begin on January 7. The old decking material will be removed, cracks in the concrete pool apron will be sealed, and a new surface of cool decking material will be applied. This work will require the pool to be closed for one week. Tom noted that a decking material color needed to be selected; a color sheet was shown, and the board selected the color 'Mohave Sand'. Tom noted that John Meek donated a sign for the tennis/pickleball courts. A slide of the new sign was shown and the board expressed its appreciation to John.

Sam Barnard reported that the Hospitality Committee would host another Hamburger Night on January 8. Sam mentioned that the committee is in dire need of additional help. The committee is down to only a few active members and the workload has become too much. Members of the board expressed how much they appreciate the importance of these events to the neighborhood. The need for additional volunteers to help with these events was discussed. A notice will be placed in the Monday Morning Memo relaying the need for volunteers.

There was no report from Neighborhood Watch.

Barb McCalpin reported on the Enhancement Committee. Members of the committee have been working on decorating common areas in the neighborhood. A new project being planned is an upgrade of the electrical wiring in the kitchen area of the Ramada. Also, some of the chairs currently in the Ramada are in need of repair. Bill Berdine volunteered to weld the chairs, with the assistance of Bill Pratt.

Bill Berdine reported for the Esperanza Gardeners. On January 3 there will be a workday at 'Pie 1' (now 'Palo Verde del Norte Park') to build a stone retaining wall for a raised planting bed. Volunteers are needed to help. Boyd and Tom volunteered to help with the Gator. The Gardeners are concentrating now on selecting some new plantings for Mesquite Park. Bill suggested it was time to begin discussions on how to make the parks and common areas more user-friendly. He reported that the sale of EE license plates is going well and should be a successful fundraiser for the group.

Kevin Welsh reported for the Public Arts Club. There are 3 projects currently in the planning stages. These include a mosaic desert tortoise and a block pueblo village. He noted that Kathy Sawin has donated a smaller snake. The Arts Club will oversee completion and installation of the snake if a location is selected. Two potential locations were suggested – the low garden wall at Esperanza Monument, and the wall along the road on Vereda Calma. Kevin asked the board to consider these locations.

Under New Business, Boyd Morse expressed concerns about garage sale and open house signs being placed in common areas.  It was suggested this be a topic for a future discussion.

The meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m.

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